939 Somerset Street W Unit#1 Ottawa, Ontario K1R 6R8


Situated in a bustling area with high foot traffic and visibility, this turn-key operation offers everything you need to establish a thriving culinary venture. Boasting a spacious layout with over 65 seats and large windows that showcase the lively surroundings, this establishment provides an inviting ambiance for diners. The well-equipped kitchen is designed to handle full-house dining, takeout, and delivery services, ensuring seamless operations to meet diverse customer preferences.The location's proximity to the Somerset Community Center enhances its appeal, drawing in locals and visitors alike. A competitive lease rate further adds to the attractiveness of this opportunity, making it an ideal investment for aspiring restaurateurs. Included in the sale are assets listed, ensuring a smooth transition for the new owner. Note that inquiries should be made directly to the agent and no discussions related to the sale should occur with the staff. Door will be opened by landlord rep. (id:47153)


Business Type Restaurant
Business Sub Type Restaurant
Name restaurant

Property Details

MLS® Number 1388788
Property Type Business
Neigbourhood West center town



Acreage No
Size Depth 100 Ft
Size Irregular * Ft X 100 Ft
Size Total Text * Ft X 100 Ft
Zoning Description Tm (78) H (15)



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