Does Your Home Need More Peace?

Tips for Making Your Home More Peaceful

Many things in our world are out of our control, but one thing you can control is your home environment. There are many simple changes you can make to instill some much needed peace into your living space. In order to create a peaceful environment in the home, make sure everything you see, smell, hear, and touch gives you a calm feeling inside.

It can be stressful and overwhelming to see all your knick-knacks and papers sprawled across your desk or table. Make it a habit to declutter and organize each room at least once a week to keep a zen-like state of mind.

Another way to increase the peace in your home is making sure it smells wonderful. Candles and air fresheners work well, but if you want to give your home a truly soothing scent, consider an essential oil diffuser. There is a huge variety of essential oils, but hints of lemon, peppermint, or sandalwood can really help introduce a sense of calm in your home.

On to the ears! To add soothing sounds into your home atmosphere, find a good speaker system to play smooth jazz or natural sounds as you work or relax at home. Or, if you prefer silence, consider soundproofing a room to cancel out outside noise.

Finally, consider adding a plush blanket to your couch or bed to settle down with in the evenings or add a soft rug to hug your toes as you walk around!

Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Today we honor the man whose dream set forth a wave of changes that made our country a better place. Including the Equal Housing Opportunity that is ever so important to the real estate industry. Thank you, Martin Luther King Jr. for your perseverance and victories.

How to Keep Your Utility Bills Low

As a homeowner, costs can really start to add up, so it never hurts to take measures to help you reduce your monthly utility bills. Below are a few ways to do just that!

Electricity Bill: Saving money on your electricity bill can be done multiple ways. Some easy changes include running appliances, like the stove, dishwasher, washing machine, and dryer, at night, opting to air dry clothes, or cooking meals in a crockpot or toaster oven. Set aside time throughout the year to inspect the areas around doors and windows and seal any cracks with caulk or weather stripping. Additionally, make sure to unplug electronics when not in use or use a power strip to turn them all off at once.

Water Bill: Your monthly water bill can sneak up on you, but small changes can be made to cut costs. Install WaterSense-certified faucets and shower heads and convert toilets to low flow to reduce the amount of waterused. Make sure to regularly check toilets and sinks for leaks and repair them. Opt for using your dishwasher instead of handwashing and ensure it’s a full load each time. Also, don’t forget to turn off water while brushing your teeth and shaving.

Gas Bill: Investing in some changes up front can make a difference on your natural gas bill long term. Add insulation in your attic and around your water heater and pipes. Make sure to repair any leaks in your ducts, inspect your furnace regularly, and check your home for any blocked vents that could cause your gas heating system to work overtime. You can also reduce the temperature of your water heater.

How to Make Small Spaces Seem Bigger

It may seem inconvenient or difficult to decorate a small space in your home, but there are a variety of strategies to make that smaller area seem much bigger. Here are some interior design ideas to help you maximize the space in smaller rooms in your home.

The first step for making your small space seem bigger is to clear out all unnecessary items in the room. It’s very hard for any space to look big when there is an assortment of unorganized things thrown around the room. You’ll also want to make sure that there are clear walkways that aren’t obstructed by any pieces of furniture.

The color scheme is very important for maximizing the space in a small room. Dark and warm hues can make a room feel closed off or intimate, so it’s important to choose soft colors for smaller rooms. Lighter colors give rooms a more airy, open feeling and this can be enhanced by choosing similar soft colors for the furniture, curtains, or other items in the room. If your room accessories match the color of the wall, the room will seem more expansive.

Let in as much light as possible. Well-lit rooms always seem larger and you can achieve this with thinner drapes or by making sure all windows are unobstructed. If your small room doesn’t have any windows, you can use mirrors to reflect light from lamps and overhead lighting and give the room a more open feeling. Another way to enhance the light is to use transparent pieces of furniture. Light will flow unobstructed when you have furniture made of glass or lucite.

New Year Purge

There is no better way to feel like your starting the year fresh than to do a post-Christmas purge and rid yourself of anything that doesn’t bring joy, get used, or you feel would benefit someone else more. Just like your pants after a second Christmas dinner, things can start feeling a bit tight when you’re trying to find space for gifts your family has received, or big discounted purchases you made during Black Friday or Boxing Day sales. Pulling things out of storage, or getting rid of the clothes you haven’t worn in 5 years can clear up space in your home that will leave you feeling better and brighter in the New Year.


As the Holiday Season is upon us, we find ourselves reflecting on the past year and on those who have helped to shape our business in a most significant way. We value our relationship with you and look forward to working with you in the years to come. May 2022 be filled with peace, joy, good health and prosperity – The Agent DK Team